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Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Ecology

University of Maine - Orono, ME

December 2022

GPA 3.9/4.0


Some Coursework (No Degree, Transferred)

Unity College - Unity, ME

GPA 3.8/4.0


Honors & Awards

Robert I. Ashman Award

UMaine - 2022

Awarded annually to an outstanding senior in Wildlife Ecology. Criteria for selection includes character, judgement, scholarly attributes, and devotion to the professions in wildlife ecology as well as to the welfare of their colleagues.

Dean's List

UMaine - Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2022

GPA of 3.50 or higher for the semester

Edward C. and Grace A. Cutting Merit Scholarship

UMaine - 2022

Awarded by the University of Maine College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture

James E. Totman Fund

UMaine - 2022

Awarded by the University of Maine College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture

1989 Ernest Morse Scholarship

UMaine - 2022

Awarded by the Penobscot County Conservation Association

1988 William Gagnon Scholarship

UMaine - 2022

Awarded by the Penobscot County Conservation Association

Highest Honors

Unity College - Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2020

GPA of 3.75 or higher for the semester

High Honors

Unity College - Spring 2019

GPA of 3.50 - 3.74 for the semester

Research Experience

University of Maine Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology

Advisors: Dr. Amber Roth, Dr. Erik Blomberg

  • Assessed critically endangered Laysan Duck use of artificial freshwater sources on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge

  • Developed project goals and methods, conducted field work, data collection and analysis, and presented findings in a research paper

  • Analyzed variation in duck density and behavior through game camera images and linear models with R

  • Measured study area and created maps using Garmin GPS units and ArcGIS Pro

Professional Experience

Grassland Bird Intern

Front Royal, VA

April - July 2023

  • Identified grassland bird species of Northern Virginia through sight and sound

  • Conducted early morning point count surveys

  • Generated territory maps of grassland birds through behavioral observations

  • Located grassland bird nests through rope dragging and behavioral observation

  • Monitored found nests weekly to determine nest status, fledgling age, and success

  • Deployed telemetry tags on fledglings and relocated using handheld and permanent receivers

  • Set up, took down, and stored mist nets

  • Extracted songbirds from mist nets

  • Measured wing chord, tail length, tarsus length, and weight of songbirds

  • Surveyed native and invasive grassland plant species

  • Measured vegetation using a Robel pole

  • Wrote summaries of topical environmental research papers for the monthly newsletter addressed to the public

  • Monitored American Kestrel nest boxes through cameras

  • Maintained good relations and communication with landowners and the public

  • Entered and proofed data through Microsoft Office

  • Worked together within a team, in pairs, and independently to complete tasks

  • Traversed several miles daily over uneven terrain in cold, hot, wet, and dusty conditions

  • Provided photography of grassland wildlife and of staff for organization’s use

Maine Bird Atlas Volunteer


2020 - 2022

  • Conducted breeding bird surveys across the state of Maine

  • Identified 222 species by sight and sound

  • Uploaded data to eBird

Summer Refuge Biology Volunteer

Midway Atoll, US Minor Outlying Islands

March - September 2022

  • Handled and banded Laysan and Black-footed Albatross chicks and adults

  • Monitored albatross reproduction and survival through reproduction plots and band resighting

  • Monitored the critically endangered Laysan Duck population through weekly surveys and band resighting

  • Monitored and managed for botulism through weekly surveys, maintenance of freshwater sources, and searching for sick and dead birds

  • Took temperature and weight, administered fluids and antitoxin, and tube fed Laysan Ducks in rehabilitation

  • Monitored seabird and shorebird populations through weekly surveys and resights

  • Identified and conducted surveys of native and invasive Hawaiian plants

  • Assisted in native and endangered plant restoration through planting, seed collection and propagation

  • Maintained high quality of data while in the field, entering, and proofing

  • Traversed several miles daily while enduring a hot and humid tropical climate

  • Worked together with USFWS staff and independently to complete tasks

  • Provided photography and videos of wildlife, fish, environment, and people for USFWS use

  • Posted weekly field updates for Friends of Midway Atoll

Survey Field Technician

Penobscot Experimental Forest, ME

May - August 2021

  • Conducted territory mapping surveys of Maine forest birds

  • Identified Maine forest birds by sight and sound

  • Independently navigated using a Garmin GPS unit in difficult forest terrain

Point Count Technician

Orono, ME

April - August 2021

  • Independently conducted weekly point count surveys of Maine forest and wetland birds

  • Identified Maine forest and wetland birds by sight and sound

  • Mapped point count locations using a Garmin GPS unit

Seabird Research Technician

Ship Island, Tremont, ME

May - August 2020

  • Nest searched for, weighed, and banded Common Tern chicks

  • Monitored nest success and survival through reproduction plots and predation surveys

  • Conducted provisioning watches and identified prey items

  • Re-sighted bands and entered band data into Bandit

  • Set up and maintained conibear, foothold, and Swedish goshawk traps for predator control

  • Conducted vegetation surveys of native and invasive Maine plants

  • Managed and maintained the island with one other crew member

  • Posted bi-monthly blog post updates of field work for Friends of Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife Museum Assistant Volunteer

Unity College

Unity, ME

January 2018 - March 2020

  • Created bird and small mammal study skins for the collection

  • Repaired damage on existing study skins

  • Organized specimens within the collection

SciCORPS Museum Interpreter

New Haven, CT

October 2016 - July 2019

  • Interpreted natural history exhibits to visitors of varying ages and backgrounds

  • Led educational activities and crafts with visitors

  • Created a nature-based curriculum for a summer camp for middle school students

Poster Presentations

Maine Chapter of the Wildlife Society Fall Meeting, Orono, ME, December 2022


Member, September 2020 - Present

Member, April 2021 - Present

Member, September 2020 - December 2022

Unity College Birding Club

Vice President, January 2018 - August 2020

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